Fairfields Farm Livery Stables Riding School


Established in Ryde, Isle of Wight, Fairfields Farm Livery Stables is a horse-riding school bringing lessons, stables, dressage, saddlery and livery to beginner and experienced horse riders.

Please mention Riding-Schools.com when phoning or contacting Fairfields Farm Livery Stables. We'd appreciate it!

To contact Fairfields Farm Livery Stableshorse Riding School/equestrian centre, please call their phone number or visit their website address:

  • Phone: 01983 616292
Main Facilities
  • Show Jumps
  • Dressage Arenas/Lessons
  • Livery
  • Riding Lessons/Instructors
  • British Horse Society (BHS) Approved
  • Local Countryside Hacks
  • Saddlery
Horse Riding Stables
Contact details

Fairfields Farm Livery Stables
Stroud Wood Road
Isle of Wight
PO33 4BY

Phone: 01983 616292

PO33 4BY

Driving Directions

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Harry Hall Junior Legend Plus Riding Hat

'BSI Kitemarked and conforming to BSEN 1384 New style and colours for a new season The Olympics in 2012 brought us a real array of riding hats, Harry Hall as always have come up with a truly fashionable and safe riding hat to meet the trend.

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Cottage Craft Large Dandy Brush

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