Pevlings Farm Riding School


At the Pevlings Farm in Lancashire's Leyland, clients can find quality horse-riding courses, as well as stables, dressage activities, saddlery, and livery services.

Please mention when phoning or contacting Pevlings Farm. We'd appreciate it!

To contact Pevlings Farmhorse Riding School/equestrian centre, please call their phone number or visit their website address:

  • Phone: 01963 370990
Main Facilities
  • Show Jumps
  • Dressage Arenas/Lessons
  • Livery
  • Riding Lessons/Instructors
  • British Horse Society (BHS) Approved
  • Local Countryside Hacks
  • Saddlery
Horse Riding Stables
Contact details

Pevlings Farm
Cabbage Lane

Phone: 01963 370990


Driving Directions

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